The Most Effective Way To Practice Conversation
Chat on WhatsApp& soon on the web 24/7
Text & Voice
Instant corrections
Multiple language buddies
Available to help your progress faster in any language!What they say!
‟ Great to get you from understanding to conversation! ”
‟This is literally amazing I studied languages at uni and I wish I had this back then, game changer!”
Sophia‟This is an incredible app. You people are geniuses for putting it together. My mum only speaks Urdu and she is the only person I speak Urdu with.”
MohamadJust wanted to say that I think this product is an amazing idea. I learned Spanish with Language exchanges and I truly believe it's the best way to do it.
AngusI really enjoy this product. You guys are doing great work and i feel it’s helping my language learning.
LewisI'd been searching for content to learn Spanish. I've only been using it for a day and I'm really enjoying it, so thank you.
HadeelThank you for developing such an awesome AI app! I’d been meaning to pick German back up for over 2 years but I never got round to it until now with the help of Carlota.